The multiple swirl circles are shown in such a way that it makes the other circles look like theyre moving. Look at one of the circles on the left and the circles on the right start moving.
Friday, May 6, 2011
illusion of motion by Repeated figure.
The motion is seen in a frame by frame effect with repeated figure in this image. the start to the end of the jump on the snowboard is seen, easily connecting the movement.
Anticipated motion
The anticipated motion in this picture is uf the girl jumping into the water. immediately after looking at this picture you can imagine the big splash that this girl is going to make, completing the effect.
spatial puzzles
This image gives a great example of equivocal space because you cant really tell where the foreground and background fall because its so confusing and negative.
Amplified perspective
So this is a picture of me and my friends in a tree, and it has a good example of amplified perspective, because my foot is as big as my friend John logan(the guy on the top), and he is obviously not as big as my shoe.
Illusion of Space by Linear Perspective
the illusion here is that the rial road goes on forever, but it obviously doesn't. Sorry its like a textbook image.
Illusion of space by Aerial Perspective
This image gives a good example of space because of the high look on the city and it shows the horizon in the distance and the buildings get smaller.
Illusion of space by vertical location
This image gives the illusion of space because the top of the mountain is farther away, but because its smaller, it looks farther away.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Scale Confusion
Scale confusion is very interesting to me because just like everyone else i fall for it because my eyes are only human. The way that the eyes get thrown off is by mixing perspectives.
Alternating Rhythm
This piece has a strong sense of alternating rhythm because the black ad white are reoccurring themes that alternate even tho orange is a constant.
Progressive Rhythm
Progressive rhythm can be shown in the form f a pattern that grows or ebbs and flows ins some direction.
Absence of focal point
Absence of focal point is just that, the absence on anything to focus on, rather having an image that is almost all the same and different so no specific thing is more important than anything else.
Degree of Emphasis
I chose this image because it has 3 focal pints but the distinguishing factor is the height of the dress on the girl's legs. This makes yo look from left to right on their legs because not only do they show more leg, but they skin tone also gets darker on the more right girl.
emphasis by placement
This image has emphasis by the placement of the smaller objects into the shapes of other objects and the bottom bag/logo.
Emphasis by isolation
The isolation in this picture is obvious, but you're trained to look at the triangle because its so far and different from the other objects.
emphasis by contrast
The contrast in this is contrast in color and shape, because the cardinal is different from the branches and sky, and its small and round vs the long stick branches.
Crystallographic Balance
Crystallographic Balance is shown in this repeating pattern that locks with itself in all directions, and its got a special symmetry with the 3 main shapes that fit together.
Radial Balance
This image has radial balance because the image is in a circle and it holds itself up with the colors and lines chose. Balance.
Asymmetical Balance
This picture shows an example of Asymmetrical balance because on one side of the picture there is only one tree vs the 4 on the other side.
Unity through continuation
The idea of unity though continuation is shown in a brick wall well because it is the same thing over and over. Continuation. Exciting.
Unity though repitition
This image is just a repetition of one little idea, and when its repeated, it gains unity as a whole.
Unity through Proximity
This image has unity, even though the circles are cut up differently, but the unity is made through proximity.
Visual Texture
Visual texture is basically seeing something that has texture that you can touch, but as a picture like bamboo or denim.
Tactile Texture
Tactile patterns are patterns made with something that you can reach out and touch, but you cant really because its just a 2D Image.
Value as Emphasis
This image gives a great example of value as emphasis because the arms are brighter and a big focus point.
value as pattern
This image has value as pattern because its only one color, yet all the values differ in variation to make patterns.
Abstraction is the art of making something with little or no connection to the real world. This is a great example of that. Where do you find crazy fighting arrows? Nowhere.
This is the prime example of idealism because the image is as close of a representation of idealism as possible. Idealism has to do with the capturing of the perfect human body.
This image is an obvious example of distortion because it isnt anything like a real human, even though it has human features.
Naturalism is the art of capturing nature as it really is, so this image does a great job of doing so, along with the people by the tree.
Line as value
This image shows lines as value because its only lines and the different colors , widths and styles give the image value.
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