Friday, May 6, 2011

illusion of motion by multiple image

The multiple swirl circles are shown in such a way that it makes the other circles look like theyre moving. Look at one of the circles on the left and the circles on the right start moving.

Illusion of motion by Blurred outline.

The blur adds an effect of like shaky cam that makes the person feel like they're moving.

illusion of motion by Repeated figure.

The motion is seen in a frame by frame effect with repeated figure in this image. the start to the end of the jump on the snowboard is seen, easily connecting the movement.

Anticipated motion

The anticipated motion in this picture is uf the girl jumping into the water. immediately after looking at this picture you can imagine the big splash that this girl is going to make, completing the effect.

spatial puzzles

This image gives a great example of equivocal space because you cant really tell where the foreground and background fall because its so confusing and negative.

Multiple Perspective

This picture has multiple perspective because of all the directions that the books taper off in.

Amplified perspective

So this is a picture of me and my friends in a tree, and it has a good example of amplified perspective, because my foot is as big as my friend John logan(the guy on the top), and he is obviously not as big as my shoe.